Should I engage in a heated bathroom mirror?

A heated mirror is an excellent method to warm up your bathroom, but conventional mirrors can encourage humidity, which can lead to damp issues later on. Because bathrooms are frequently under-ventilated, heating can result in condensation. We have devised a practical, space-saving solution to this problem.

Infrared: the modern heated mirror

Mirror-finish infrared heating panels are an excellent choice for the bathroom. They look fantastic, sit virtually flat against the wall, and generate a bright warm glow as soon as they are turned on. They do not fog up when exposed to steam, making them ideal for use in bathrooms.

Infrared panels look stunning.

These infrared panels have the appearance of a conventional mirror. The units are slim and frameless, and once plugged into the mains, the inexperienced eye won’t even detect it’s a heater. Much preferable to unsightly, hefty radiators!

In humid environments, infrared heating is useful.

They are ideal for humid environments because they do not fog up. Unlike traditional mirrors, these allow you to shave or apply cosmetics immediately after a shower.

Infrared heating is quite effective.

Radiators, contrary to their name, operate via convection rather than radiation. They generate heat by heating the air around them. Because they function by heating the air around you, they are less efficient than infrared heating. This means that heat is easily lost by draughts and through building walls.

Infrared heating is distinguished by the fact that it operates by radiation rather than convection. Infrared panels emit radiant heat, directly warming objects (and people) rather than space. This means you’ll benefit even after you’ve switched off the heat.